I am honored to be hosting the peer-judged food photography contest Does My Blog Look Good in This? – April 2008 edition! You can find the results from March’s edition on Cookbook Catchall.
If you don’t know anything about me, a brief introduction: I’m an American living in Italy since 2003, and I like to cook and take pictures of food: from macarons to fresh pasta to World Nutella Day! I travel around Italy from Sicily to Puglia, and abroad to places like India, too! I also like to share my how-to guides on things like pickpocket safety, Italian coffee, candy, and aperitivo!
I’ve been lucky enough to be recognized by DMBLGIT in past editions, and I think it’s one of the most interesting food blogger events out there. I can’t wait to see what you come up with this month. Good luck!
Each food blogger can submit one photograph that was posted to their blog during the contest month (March). Photographs are reviewed by a panel of judges, who score them in three categories: edibility, aesthetics, and originality. The host then compiles the scores to determine the winners. The specific things the judges will be looking for are as follows:
* Aesthetics: composition, food styling, lighting, focus, etc.
* Edibility: “does the photo make us want to dive in and eat the food?”
* Originality: the photograph that catches our attention and makes us want to say “wow!”, displaying something we might not have seen before.
* Overall Winner: top overall scores in all three categories combined
There are three overall winners for photographs with the highest point totals in all three categories combined, and one winner in each of the three individual categories.
How to enter your photograph:
* Only one entry per person (a single photograph, no diptychs)
* The photograph must have been taken by you.
* The photograph must have appeared on your blog during the month of March.
* Entries must be received by April 25, 2008
Send your entry to dmblgit (at) sararosso [dot] com, with the DMBLGIT as the subject. Please include the following:
* your name
* your blog’s name and URL
* your photograph’s title
* the URL of the post containing the photograph
* type of camera used
* Please send photos of no more than 350 pixels in width
All submissions will be posted to the DMBLGIT gallery on my website, which will be updated as I receive entries. Please give me a few days to update the gallery with your submission!
Good luck!
Congrats! I am looking forward to seeing the deliciousness. Now I guess I need to start a food blog so I can participate….
How nice of you to host :)
Thanks for hosting this event, will have to look thru my March blog posts for a pic.